Connect With Rodney Cundiff

GOD-BREATHED - pt4 - Remain In The Word



In “Remain In The Word”, Rodney shares that reading the Bible helps us connect to Jesus. If we remain connected to him, then our lives are more productive and fruitful. Tragically, many Christians can find themselves gradually disconnected from Jesus when they don’t take intentional steps to remain in the Word. In fact, we can’t accomplish anything noteworthy apart from Jesus. When we distance ourselves from Jesus and the Bible that is the inspired word of God, we limit the fruitfulness and productivity of our lives, and become useless to ourselves, others, and to the Kingdom of God. But, we are promised if we remain connected to Jesus and the scriptures we prayer and expect miracles and answered prayers. When you abide in Christ, you pray and ask for things that are in accordance with his will, and his life is flowing through you, so you can ask anything in His name, and it will be done. True disciples remain in the word and deepen their connection to Christ, resulting in abundance of fruit and eviden