Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 43 Addison Frei, musician, composer



My guest today is Addison Frei, a darn good ping pong player and tennis player... oh and yes a gifted pianist, composer, and music producer. Enrolled in Julliard’s Post Graduate Ensemble, Addison has traveled internationally as a Jazz Ambassador for Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Armstrong, Dave Brubeck, and Benny Goodman. Addison’s family members are scientists and mathematicians, which inspires him to celebrate intellectual progress in society. What Addison relishes about his free-lance musician path is that there is nothing mundane about it. He is continually learning all kinds of music for different situations every day, every week, every month! Addison appreciates the inter-generational, international, inter-genre aspects of being a musician. He honors musicians who act as elders and mentors, who keep oral tradition alive and thriving - it’s a legacy he’s proud to participate in. Addison reflects on the artist role in society, daring to be at the forefront of social justice causes - noting jaz