Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Episode 54, Andrea Frade, yoga & mediation teacher



My guest today is Andrea Maxine Frade. Andrea is yoga and mediation teacher, a Reiki Master and Cranial-Sacral practitioner, as well as a reader of the Akashic Records. After a dark period in her life of being in different forms of abusive relationships, Andrea eventually understood that she had denied her own well-being and self-care. She was so capable, taking caring of her students and clients, yet her personal life was in chaos. The irony was that while she was suffering in a relationship with someone who was suffering, at her core, all she actually wanted was to alleviate suffering. Andrea eventually heard a benevolent, pure voice deep within, that provided the simple life-affirming force she needed; “It is time now for you to go.” Five years ago Andrea moved out of NYC and into my Nyack neighborhood. Andrea’s own immersion in darkness and suffering has intimately informed her process of rising from the ashes, her rich healing journey. As she became fully present to her inner wisdom, aligning with what