Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

120: How I Carve Out Exercise When Things Are Crazy Busy. Follow this Framework, Take Control of Your Schedule & Get Exercise In! Heart-Check Series (Part 2)



Finding the time to exercise can seem so hard and discouraging, especially when you feel like you have no control over anything and one thousand things need to get done. Your to-do list and everyone needing your attention seem like it’s never-ending. You feel draggy and you’d rather lay on the couch at the end of the day. I totally get you. So, how do you REALLY make time to move your body? That’s what we cover in part two of this 3-part “Heart-check series”. I’ll be sharing the framework I use that helps me to actually carve out time for exercise. This is what guides my heart and emotions and creates boundaries for my time INSTEAD OF allowing my schedule to control me! I’m super excited to share this with you! For those of you who value the roles God has given you you will want to know what this framework is. Pull out your notepad for this one OR print the free pdf (Horacio Printing link down below) so you can follow-along with what I’m teaching. Give yourself at least 1-hour to put to practice the framework