Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

002: Raising a Blog and a Family with Melissa Erdelac



Raising a Blog and a Family with Melissa Erdelac from Mama Gourmand -- Be comfortable with your own growth rate - you set the standard for yourself and it’s different for everyone. Create a set "work week" for yourself with blocks of time in the day where it is possible to work and other blocks for personal time. Then stick to that schedule. Establish a routine and work that needs to be accomplished on specific timelines. Educate your family that this is your job and then own it. Actions are better than words and you need to remain consistent. Make continuing education a priority in your field - webinars/podcasts are great for home based learning Include family in the business - they are your built in support Acknowledge you need help and be open to hiring a VAs for facebook scheduling, Pinterest, sharing with groups, promoting a post, web designer to add graphics or make edits to blog It’s important to invest in yourself - equipment that saves time helps. Sponsored work - seek Influencer websites rather than