Flyingtypers Cargo Talks!

Sustainability And Tips For New Orleans Forwarder Week



The apple doesn't fall far from the tree is a phrase that is typically said in connection with children who show qualities or talents that are similar to those of their parents. When EMO Trans Jenni Frigger Latham appears on the stage in New Orleans at the first panel Wednesday morning to moderate a discussion on sustainability that includes the former Head of IATA Cargo and current President of TIACA Glyn Hughes and the former President of Cargo Network Services (CNS) and current title of PayCargo Lionel Van der Welt, she will be a dynamic freight forwarder leading a discussion of major consequences in a the first welcome back live face-to-face AfA session in two years. Jenni comes from a dynamic pioneering company building freight forwarder culture built by her Dad Joachim "Jo" Frigger, and her Mom, Karin Frigger who accelerated and built EMO Trans, USA from a small office up a long flight of stairs on Rockaway Blvd next to the main runways of John F. Kennedy International Airport into a