Insights, Issues & Istook

Ernest Istook Show, Friday, April 18, 2014



It's about life, the universe and everything: President Obama proclaims Obamacare a success--he grades it by how many people are becoming depending on it Will Republicans have the guts to arrest Lois Lerner until she testifies about the IRS scandal? (Yes, the House of Representatives has the right and the power and doesn't need Eric Holder or the courts to do this for them.) Michael Bloomberg says he's bound for heaven--he bought his way in Polls show most Americans believe Obama lies to them--so why do some of those same people support him anyway? People are getting tired of Obama's aggressive pace--but does that mean they'll quit resisting? GUESTS: Michael Tanner, CATO Institute Senior Fellow Liz Peek, FOX News Contributor and Fiscal Times columnist Lisa Curtis, Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Donald Lambro, Washington Times contributor and syndicated columnist Judson Phillips, president of Tea Party Nation and Washington Times contributor