Insights, Issues & Istook

Istook's Insights--One Minute at a Time



The Obama White House has rolled out an 840-page horror novel, trying to scare America into spending hundreds of billions of Obama's crony capitalism green agenda. The greenest thing about his proposal is the money. Only a one-vote margin on the Supreme Court decided it's okay to start town council meetings with a prayer from clergy. And the reason cited by the Court shows just how much jeopardy our religious freedoms and traditions are in, as they undergo constant assault. Liberals in Congress have a new plan to muzzle conservatives: Re-write the First Amendment to allow government to limit everything spent to help or oppose a candidate. That includes restricting your ability to volunteer to help a campaign. State governments that hit their people with high taxes need to learn a lesson—people can vote with their feet and move away. Many have, but a lot more would like to. If 300-thousand federal employees in the Veterans Administration can't provide decent health care for our veterans, how can anybody ex