Insights, Issues & Istook

Ernest Istook Show, Friday, May 9, 2014



Including: Tea Party donors are losing their life's savings to defend from illegal IRS audits targeting and badgering them Pelosi and Democrats want powers to shut down Benghazi investigation as price of their 'participating' That draconian federal government sequester? One worker lost their job. Only one! Climate change hype. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? Republican leaders look for way to stop Presidential candidates from mass suicide by having too many televised debates in 2016 primaries MSNBC claims millionaires don't want their money. They want government to have it. Shall we give up on free speech? Should the penalty for racist remarks be public hanging? Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu tries to blame Republicans for blocking Keystone XL Pipeline! GUESTS: Cleta Mitchell, attorney for tea party and conservative non-profits David Sherfinski, The Washington Times U.S. Capitol reporter Matt Purple, The American Spectator Ross Kaminsky, Heartland Institute Ralph Hallow, The Washington Times poli