Insights, Issues & Istook

Ernest Istook Show, Thursday, May 22, 2014



Including: Lawsuits against the NFL: Are the players' claims against owners like what the Occupy movement says about the 1%? VA hospitals--how much of the problem is just the notion of government-run health care, staffed by unionized government workers? Pennsylvania's governor says he favors traditional marriage but won't appeal judge's ruling saying same-sex marriage is okay: A sure sign the Guv is having a tough race for re-election. The Tea Party movement is alive, well and about to flex muscles in Mississippi? Get ready: New EPA regulations on coal will send electric bills spiking The Humane Society of the United States gets socked by the court for false claims about treatment of circus elephants. What? The networks didn't tell you? GUESTS: Ryan Anderson, The Heritage Foundation and co-author of What Is Marriage? Judson Phillips, founder, Tea Party Nation Tom Pyle, American Energy Alliance president Will Coggin, researcher for Humane Watch Michael Cannon, CATO institute health policy director