Insights, Issues & Istook

Net neutrality is phony term for government control



Net neutrality is a phony term meaning government control. Big government wants to run everything. With President Obama pulling the strings, the Federal Communications Commission is issuing rules and regulations to take over the Internet. In the name of fairness, the ability to buy faster access will end. It's like re-distribution of wealth; every user must be treated equally. That means equally slow Internet speeds. A huge bandwidth user like Netflix needs fast speed and providers need Netflix' business. So they negotiate a price. But now government will dictate prices instead. It will be like the era when government set the passenger fares for all airlines. There was no competition to provide lower airfares, so most flyers were rich people. Only the end of regulation made air travel common among all Americans. Regulating the Internet is not about consumers. It's not neutrality; it's about government control. We should call it 'net nonsense.' Find more insights online at