3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Chapter 95: Bess Kalb on kvetching over koans and kindling comic kinship



“Why are women, who have the whole male world at their mercy, not funny? Please do not pretend to know what I am talking about.”   So begins a 2007 Vanity Fair article by Christopher Hitchens called “Why Women Aren’t Funny”.   College student Bess Kalb picked up a copy of the magazine, read it on her train ride from New York to Rhode Island, and, in her words, “became radicalized.” She decided then and there to drop out of school and become a comedy writer. She scored an internship with The Colbert Report and then (“because I’m an anxious Jew who is the daughter of two anxious Jews”) went back to finish her degree before working for Jimmy Kimmel for eight years. (And scoring a few awards while working there!) She then puts out a “ghost memoir” in 2020 called Nobody Will Tell You This But Me which becomes a big New York Times bestseller and ranked one of the best books of the year by Vogue, Forbes, Wired and others. (Jodi Picoult said “I have not been so profoundly moved by a book in years.”)   Today Bess Kalb