Leigh Martinuzzi

1023 Fred Joyal - Superbold



Superbold Boldness is a superpower! Fred Joyal hasn't always been Superbold, he had to learn it. Actually, Fred started as an extremely shy person, too timid to even make a called call. Now he has no trouble standing up in front of thousands of people to do a presentation. In this conversation, we talk about Fred's book Superbold in which he's put together a systematic, step-by-step approach that can take you to a surprising level of boldness in as little as 90 days. Ready to stop living a life of regrets and missed opportunities? It’s all possible - faster than you think. Guest Bio. Fred Joyal is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and business advisor. He co-founded the most successful dentist referral service in the country, 1-800-DENTIST. He has previously written two books on marketing, has dabbled in standup and improv comedy, acted in bad movies and excellent TV commercials. His latest book, Superbold: from Under-confident to Charismatic in 90 days, was just released in October. He once beat Sir Richard