Voice Of Influence

221: Why It's Hard for People to Connect and Engage Right Now



Are you noticing that it's not as easy as it once was to get involved in your community or your organization's culture? Do you see a sustained drop in activity and connection?   While people in organizations say they want to connect, they are finding it difficult to do so - and it may not just be because of social distancing. In this episode Andrea explores a theory of why it's still hard for people to connect and engage. And it might not be what you think. Learn about how our Team Performance System and Personal Brand Strategy can Help You Serve Well and Sell More at  www.voiceofinfluence.net   Read the transcript here:   https://www.voiceofinfluence.net/221 Give and receive feedback that makes a difference! Register for our 20 minute Deep Impact Method video course here:  www.voiceofinfluence.net/deepimpact