Positive Sparkplug

Waking up to Expanding possibilities With Anat Peri



This episode Anat and I have a conversation on how she became a coach within the self development world and how it first started out with herself going on her own journey and realizing how much she love seeing others truly transform themselves and their lives to all they truly desire it to be. Anat shares with us what development trauma within our childhood is and how it plays out into our adult life. She tells how how she works within finding ways to help men and women move from an energy of having to prove it to others to recognize they are a gift to others and start transitioning within themselves and their lives within the way they are more in alignment and passion We discuss what the Roles and energies of both the Mother and Father and how it impacts us within how we show up for ourselves, others and the world. Within this we talk about how one can start to working within healing, understanding and loving oneself all while unlearning, unleashing and undoing habits, patterns and stories that have been giv