Turning Earth

E.12 - Not Here Not Anywhere



For this episode on fossil fuels, Tommy had a chat with Richard Curtin and Aideen O'Dochartaigh from the campaign group Not Here Not Anywhere, who are resisting the construction of new oil and gas infrastructure here in Ireland. We discussed the danger of these proposed projects and what we can do to stop them. We brought up some scary problems in the last episode when we briefly discussed the UN IPCC report - with this episode we hope to shine a light on some of the solutions. Eric and Tommy's rambles this month covered: Countries shifting to renewables, Shell boasting about their influence on the IPCC report, the need to challenge corporate power and to get rid of the profit motive, Bord na Móna being a pack of liars, the yellow vest protest movement and how state governments use half-baked "environmentalism" as a cloak for austerity. Music: Wild Rocket - Blowholes [ https://wildrocket.bandcamp.com/ ] The Pox Men - Bog Surfer [ https://www.facebook.com/ThePoxMen ] Illustration: Gareth Curtis [ proba