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GOD-BREATHED - pt2 - The Logos and Rhema



In “The Logos and Rhema”, Rodney shares that application is key to the word of God being useful to you. There are two primary Greek words that describe scripture which are translated “word” in the New Testament, “Logos” and “Rhema”. Logos refers principally to the total inspired Word of God. Second, to Jesus who is the Living Word. Additionally, it is important to note the voice of the Holy Spirit is speaking at this present moment. A “Rhema” is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction. How can I receive a “Rhema” direction from God for my life concerning a specific situation? Read God’s word (logos) daily. Next, ask God to speak (Rhema) to you through his word. Daily consumption of the scriptures will give you the nourishment that your soul needs. Reading and meditating on the scriptures allows God to breath into your life.