Rose City Forum With Timothy Moore

Rose City Forum with Timothy Moore - Freaky Friday News & Views



Join TeeMo & Roy on the Rose City Forum Radio Show. Freaky Friday 12 Noon 1330 AM as they discuss the week's news & share some views... This week in the news... (1) Lovable Oompa Loompas storm Portlandâ??s City Hall showering the heart of our local government with love laced candy flowers, decadent chocolate wafers, and delicious punch drawn from the Wille Wonka river of dreams. (2) Donald Trump and Hillary suspend the campaigns in favor of a mutual musical tour of love, unity and good will. (3) Have you heard of Prager University? NO you say... thatâ??s because you canâ??t find them on YouTube apparently the ever present visual media, extraordinaire, the bastion of â??Free Speechâ?? YOU TUBE has decided that Preger Uâ??s love of country (Namely the good ole US of A) Jesus, and the church, with all its grand values...Well you folks just are not welcome on You Tube! (4) TeeMo Cat Roxie comes on the air to share all about the feline world view. Eating, sleeping, and...well thats it!