Rose City Forum With Timothy Moore

Rose City Forum with Timothy Moore -Freaky Friday News and Views



Rose City Forum - Freaky Friday with TeeMo & Roy 12 Noon on KKPZ 1330 AM or at The Boyz will analyze and discuss this crazy election and the aftermath. Join the cavalcade of craziness LIVE @ 12 Noon! On the show... DOH! says Democrats as they watched the electoral numbers climb in favor of Donald Trump on Tuesday...Well it was more like â??Oh fertilizerâ??! Followed by calls oâ??plenty to the therapist as scores of pharmacies run low on aspirin and other assorted pain reliever...But donâ??t worry...if you cannot afford your medications theres always Obama Care!...and if that doesn't work...AstraZeneca maybe able to help. This just in....In a rare and touching show of datante...The ever lovable, soft and furry, cuddly, warm and sensitive as they are.... Peaceful Anarchist across the USA take to the street holding hands...raising their voices... in one unified song...Singing... â??We like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmonyâ??. while holding Coke a Colaâ??s...and swaying in