Killer Media Sales

A masterclass: dealing with a crisis



Relationships are hard. Whether they are romantic, at work, in your family or with friends, no one escapes from having to face problems or misunderstandings. However, in a professional sales environment, dealing with issues, especially with your clients, can be particularly sensitive, and not knowing how to approach them can end up in a “breakup” and is the last thing we want to see. In this last episode of 2021, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about the ramifications and consequences of having a big problem with a client. In this Killer Media Sales chapter, Alex shares a personal experience where he explains how the small things are those that can cause a problem with your client relationship, but how “big gestures” and the use of common sense are what will solve them. He explains that the key factor to solve a misconception on the client side is acknowledging the problem, and that in letting your client know that you understand why they are unhappy is a very disarming way to approach it. Alex high