An Interview With Melissa Llarena

106: Ending The Year with Curiosity, Creativity, and Courage of a Child



Think about what 2022 could look like for you. What does it take for you to make 2022 amazing? Imagine using your capabilities and resources as an adult and pairing those up with the confidence, resilience, curiosity, and energy you had as a kid. During a coaching engagement, a client asked me something that illustrates how we might be keeping ourselves stuck by relying purely on thinking like an adult.  In this episode, I’m doing a 2021 wrap-up and sharing with you some of my upcoming guests in 2022. Specifically, I’m giving you a sneak preview of next week's episode which features a Sesame Street puppeteer who offers some words of wisdom about reconnecting with our inner child being the key to harnessing our imagination. There's no better way to approach 2022 than with oodles of imagination for you to dream bigger.  My goal for this podcast is to bring you world-class thought leaders across disciplines from around the world who courageously and creatively went after their curiosities until they felt ready.