Analysen Und Diskussionen Über China

Frank N. Pieke: “Xi Jinping will find it harder than expected to secure a third term"



September 10, 2018For years, many China observers believed that the Chinese Communist Party would eventually crumble under the contradictions between a Leninist political system and a dynamic society. “But we were all proved wrong”, says Frank N. Pieke, the new head of MERICS. The Chinese Communist Party is more modern, more powerful and confident than ever, he says. Yet, Xi Jinping, who likes to present himself as an all-powerful state and party leader, faces headwinds from within the apparatus and might find it more difficult than expected to secure a third term. People in Europe, Pieke says, need to face up to the new realities in China and get to grips with their own differing interests. China looks different from Athens or Duisburg than from Berlin or Paris, he says. Listen to Frank N. Pieke talking about his views on China and his plans for the future of MERICS in the new MERICS Experts Podcast.