Sistapoochie/ Minister Mccarty

Y4C~Youth For Christ w/ Iseethegreat Youth Host Birthday Bash



?Hi Everyone! Are you looking for a way to pump up your week? Well come join us as the youth take over the studio! Were going to have great music, spoken word and a Hip Hop Gospel Dance Mix that will have you on your feet!! Listen Live or later. As a  501 (c) (3) Religious Non For Profit Charitable Organization,  we are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraging  greatness in others. We hope to encourage each person to discover their God given Talents by gaining a deeper and more personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Each of us has a role to play within our communities, and the closer you walk with our Lord the more Love and blessings  we can bring to our communities.  Join us as we crusade for Christ!          Let Your Light Shine, All Are Welcomed!