Voice Of Influence

218: How to Build Your Internal Capacity to Handle Pressure



"I used to spend a lot of time journaling, processing the areas of life that cause stress, looking for the common thread that runs throughout the things that weigh on my heart. I don’t do this in writing as much anymore. Writing takes so much time… But important things — internal things — take time. Journaling isn’t an intellectual exercise for me, it is a spiritual one. It’s something that slows me down long enough to be present to my inner life. It helps me get back in touch with my fears and then remember what I’ve learned about turning my fears into love.  This is soul-level work. It’s something I’ll avoid with busyness when I fear the truth. But then at some point I remember that shining a light on the truth in my heart is the only way to find peace. It’s the only way to release my soul back into a state of love and abundance."   In this week's episode, Andrea shares from both her head and heart about the process of turning fear into expressions of love.  Learn about how our Team Performance System