Killer Media Sales

Are you just tired or are you burned out?



Have you been feeling tired and stressed lately, that all you can think of is to go on holiday so you can recharge? If the answer is yes, you should know you’re not the only one and most people at this point of the year are thinking and feeling the same thing. Being weary at the end of the year is natural, you’ve been working hard and it is normal to feel fatigued and look forward to a well-deserved break. However, if what you’re feeling is irritability, severe mental and physical exhaustion, and you’re so stressed that no amount of sleep leaves you feeling rested or even worse, you wake up in the morning and you feel unable to cope with your day-to-day activities, you’re not tired, you’re probably burned out. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson talk about one the most unspoken topics, and probably one of the most critical nowadays: BURNOUT! They discuss the differences between feeling tired and being burned out. What does burnout look like, how does it feel and how c