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It's Okay to Take a Break | Ep #88



As 2021 comes to a close, Angee reflects on the interesting and busy world for those who are hiring or trying to be hired. While in past years Angee has emphasized the importance of using this time of year to nurture your network and create a career plan for the year ahead -- this time, she feels the need to say it's time to take a break. Take a breath. Recharge. Whether it's a weekend away or a gap year -- take what you can take so you can come back with renewed energy and enthusiasm. And to all listeners of this podcast - Angee wants to thank you for tuning in. There's a lot of great information out there when it comes to career advice, and she appreciates your comments and emails and looks forward to seeing you next year. Happy Holidays! Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! Visit for show notes and other available downloads. © 2021 Angee Linsey