An Interview With Melissa Llarena

104: 2021 Isn’t Over Yet! What Are the Things You Can Do Right Now That You Can Bring With You to 2022?



Just because you have comfy sofas does not mean that you have to sit down. You could still stand up for your goals and your ambitions and treat this December just as you would next January – with enthusiasm, optimism, and a deep desire to continue to evolve. It's almost the end of 2021 and I want to be sure that you do everything in your power to end this year with a bang! In this episode, I've decided to share with you some key ideas or ways to evaluate what you can do or should be doing during these final weeks of the year. And so, I want to share with you three key ideas that I think are going to help you rethink how to approach the end of this year while keeping in mind what you want to accomplish in 2022. I'm also sharing the approach that has helped me become successful, something that requires consistent movement, either at a turtle pace or as quickly as a hare. You will also hear this concept pertaining to celebrating your wins and pulling forth the person you have become. You will also have a good se