Pratt On Texas

Episode 2827: Ignore claims of using Texas “mechanism” on abortion to go after gun rights | CPS acts to protect itself, not children – Pratt on Texas 12/15/2021



The news of Texas covered today includes:Our Lone Star story of the day: The press is full of stories of how others are going to use the Texas “mechanism” of private enforcement through lawsuits for the Fetal Heartbeat law to go after gun rights and other issues. It’s all balderdash. These are stories to frighten people into opposing the Texas law on abortions. The “mechanism” of private enforcement only relates to breaking a law and won’t even apply in the case of abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected if that law is struck down by the courts. It simply cannot be used to enforce something that is not a legally passed and binding law. For example, California can’t simply decide that citizens can sue gun makers for the use of guns in crimes because such is counter the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Any such cases would not stand review by courts if they attempt to punish someone for something protected by law. And in the case of abortion, despite what many think, there is no federal law maki