Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

115: Feeling Social Pressure to Lose Weight During the Holidays? 2 Tips to Live in Body Freedom! | Holiday Help Series (Part 4)



There’s so much pressure to lose weight and keep up with what everyone else is doing healthwise or fitness-wise during the holidays. When we do things just because other people are pressuring us and expecting our bodies to look certain way exhaustion, burnout, and forgetting about Christ are the results. In this episode, you’ll learn two tips with practical examples of how to use them. I can’t wait for you to walk away from social pressure and walk towards living in body freedom during the holidays. Body Freedom Through Christ, Jaclyn ************* Obsessing about your weight and unhappy being in your skin? Do you hate what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantly jumping from diet to diet? Maybe you are starving yourself or flat out bullying yourself with mean sayings like I’m fat and I hate the way I look. Are you someone who works out all week long but then finds yourself binging on the weekends? Maybe you believe that buying that new diet and health bible study is the solution to your food issues a