Of Note

Proximity Matters: Tapping Local Capital with Josh Rollins & John Crawford



Investing locally has major benefits for investors, giving them a voice and stake in the businesses that shape their communities, and for the local companies themselves by providing them with the money to grow and succeed to serve the surrounding community. Today, it is easier than ever to get involved and support local businesses, thanks to investment vehicles like Vicinity Capital. Vicinity Capital Co-Founders Josh Rollins and John Crawford share advice on the easiest ways to get started and how people can utilize the platform. Josh brings his experience empowering communities through local investing alternatives, web-investment strategy and business intelligence to the conversation while John incorporates his knowledge of marketing, sales, investment planning and executive leadership to coach us through crowdfunding that helps a community. In the third episode of our four-part mini series on funding, Josh and John join our host Lauren McIntosh to help differentiate between kickstarters, crowdfunds and cr