Building A New America With Jonathan Arias.

Behind the Scenes - Season 2 Planning Session



It's been a while since I've uploaded an episode, and that's because life has been hectic.  In December, I got the unique opportunity to take an extended trip.  I took the entire month to travel through South America and visited Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.  My original plan was to hike the ancient Inka city Machu Pichu - which I did - but then I spontaneously decided to explore Bolivia and Chile. To say the least, this was one of my best decisions, and it turned into one of the most enlightening moments in my life.  I'll be releasing an episode about that soon.  But for today, I'm going to take you behind the scenes to show you how we planned for season 3 - this is a planning session.  You'll get to meet our Executive Producer Anré Garrett and our Adviser Hazel Weiser.  What you should know is that we recorded this two weeks ago under calmer circumstances.  Two weeks ago, at this point, feel like two years ago.  Now that we're in this Coronavirus crisis, everything has changed