Flyingtypers Cargo Talks!

Qatar Cargo Readies For 2022 World Cup/Danger Zone & No Panic Panicker / Happy Thanksgiving 2021



Some time ago, shipment of dangerous goods by air and the threat to air cargo from unidentified and unlabelled hazardous materials in shipments was described as “The Wild West of Dangerous Goods". Now Radharamanan Panicker has decided to do something about that, having gone out on his own and formed his own company: Dangerous Goods Management (DGM) India. DGM India is a fully recognized dangerous goods training entity in the Indian air cargo market and Panicker is possibly one of the few experts in dangerous goods in the country.  World Cup 2022 In one year’s time (November 21-December 18) begins FIFA World Cup in Qatar, as the eyes of the world will be here watching us which is the biggest single sporting event in the world, with viewing audience of 3.6 billion persons and 1.2 million spectators. This great tournament will be held for the first-time history in the Muslim and Arab world. Thanksgiving USA Memories of the grand traditional American family dinner of Thanks, where minus the COVID, the only t