Kinsella On Liberty

KOL058 | Guest on Gene Basler Show: Anarcho-capitalist issues (2010)



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 058. I appeared on the Gene Basler Show (May 30, 2010), discussing a variety of anarcho-libertarian matters–environmentalism, nuclear power, state propaganda in government schools, class action lawsuits, reparations, how to achieve an anarcho-libertarian society, animal rights, positive rights and obligations, forced heirship, and so on (an edited transcript to appear as a chapter in Gene Basler, Environmental Non-Policy: Interviews on Environment, War and Liberty, forthcoming August 2011). Transcript Gene Basler Show: Anarcho-Capitalist Issues Stephan Kinsella and Gene Basler Gene Basler Show, May 30, 2010 00:00:05 Gene: Welcome folks. This is Gene Basler, your host. This is episode eight of the Gene Basler Show, formerly called Anarcho Environmentalism. Today is Sunday, May 30, 2010, and I’m pleased to welcome as my guest Stephan Kinsella. Are you there, Stephan? 00:00:22 Stephan Kinsella: I’m here. Glad to be here, Gene. 00:00:24 Gen