Killer Media Sales

The psychology behind sales



Have you ever wanted to understand why you feel particular emotions, and how are these affecting your sales results? Would you like to know how to control your emotions and behaviours so you can fight adversity and thrive in your work environment? Even more, if you’re looking to hire and expand your sales department, do you want to know what the crucial aspects are that you should look for in your candidates? In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Russell Stephenson talks to the founder of Frontier Performance Pancho Mehrotra about emotional intelligence, and the importance of training it, as well as how you can become more adaptable in your business environment by developing and enhancing this skill. Pancho also shares his knowledge on what are the key attributes that you should look at when trying to hire a salesperson, by explaining the “S.A.L.E. Personality”. They also discuss the impact of the environment in which you were raised as a key factor in your future behaviour and how this can be re-wired for