Speed Secrets Podcast

192 - Sim Racer Academy & Teamwork



Today’s podcast is a “special” episode… that’s because we just launched the Speed Secrets Sim Racer Academy, and I wanted to have a conversation here with my team who has helped make this happen. Anker Berg-Sonne, Conor Murphy, and Ron Gale are my guests today. Why should you care? Why should you listen in? If you’re a sim racer, you will be interested in hearing about the Sim Racer Academy. If you’re not a sim racer, there’s some things we’ll talk about that will still help you be a better driver. There are things here that apply to motorsport – and maybe outside of motorsport – around teamwork. We’re thrilled to finally be able to share Sim Racer Academy with you all, and we hope you are just as excited as we are!