Of Note

Whom Should You Pitch To: Venture Capitalists or Angel Investors? With Paul Clark and Amy Salzhauer



As emerging technology presents more opportunities for innovation, many entrepreneurs encounter the obstacle of acquiring the funding they need to make their idea a reality. In the first of our four-part mini series of candid conversations with leaders and investors of South Carolina, we explore key differences between angel investors and venture capitals. We are joined by Venture South’s Co-Founder and Managing Director, Paul Clark, and Good Growth Capital’s Managing Partner, Amy Salzhauer. Venture South, an angel investment company that invests in startups through angel groups and funds, is a vehicle for individuals to invest their own money into companies. Paul shares what it takes to become an angel investor and how people can get involved in investing. Venture Capital, Good Growth Capital, typically uses two stages of fund families one a pre-seed and seed stage and the other through series venture capital. Amy explains what industries and kinds of entrepreneurs interest her company. In this episode Pa