Positive Sparkplug

Connecting & Collecting within entrepreneurship journey with Kevin Cooney



Good day you bad beautiful bi*** you, I hope you are ready for an episode of fun, insights and inspiration because that is what my guest Kevin Cooney brings to you. Kevin and I talk about the journey of his entrepreneurship and how he has always been in the mindset of learning and growing and making the most of what you got as you work for what you want. Kevin shares his first taste of making money through collecting and selling golf balls to how he is flipping free stuff for cold hard cash. Kevin has made himself well known as the hype man on TikTok for his wake up calls that fire you up and set you on your way to having the best damn day of your life, especially if you are dangerously caffeinated. O speaking of Dangerously caffeinated, it is the coffee brand Kevin and his friend created through his listening to his followers when they said we want this dangerously caffeinated coffee you are always talking about in your videos so Kevin did what he does best and got to work and made it happen. Kevin and i dis