Mail Order Zombie

Mail Order Zombie #187 - Cost of the Living, Zombie on the Loose, [REC] 2 & Quarantine 2, and Scott Hill of Flying Frog Productions



One of the best parts of producing Mail Order Zombie is all the discoveries I make along the way, and in producing Mail Order Zombie #187, I discovered the phrase, "I'm a sandwich, you're my bacon."  Before getting to that point, though, we review the movies Zombie on the Loose (dir. Conrad Brooks) and Cost of the Living: A Rom Zom Com (dir. Daniel Lee White).  Silent Death reports from his bunker with a joint review of the films [REC] 2 (dir. Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza) and Quarantine 2 (dir. John Pogue) and Zombie Anarchist sits down with an interview with Scott Hill from Flying Frog Productions (makers of the excellent game Last Night on Earth).  Miss Bren ALMOST gets a taste of some post-apocalyptic excitement at the beginning and at the end of the show. I'm a sandwich.  You're my bacon. INTRO (00:00) ZOMBIE ON THE LOOSE (05:45) [REC] 2 & QUARANTINE 2 w/ SILENT DEATH (16:37) COST OF THE LIVING: A ROM ZOM COM (24:06) INTERVIEW WITH SCOTT HILL w/ ZOMBIE ANARCHIST (41:10) FEEDBACK (51:24) Mail Order