Mail Order Zombie

Episode #189 - ParaNorman, The Living Dead Girl, Zombie A-Hole, The Velvet Vampire & The Collective, Vol. 4



The line between zombie and vampire wears thin on Episode 189 of Mail Order Zombie when Brother D takes a look at movies like The Living Dead Girl (dir. Jean Rollin) and The Velvet Vampire (dir. Stephanie Rothman).  Don't worry - while Mail Order Vampire may make a return appearance at some point, Brother D isn't going all bloodsucker on the MOZ Family; the review of The Velvet Vampire is part of this week's Palette Cleanser along with the second half of the review of The Collective, Vol. 4.  On the straight-up zombie front, D reviews Zombie A-Hole (dir. Dustin Mills), and he's joined by Miss Bren, Need-a-Nickname Scott, (Missing-a-Moniker) Tracey and other members of the Mail Order Zombie Family to talk about ParaNorman (dir. Chris Butler, Sam Fell).  The Feedback Discussion is at the end of the episode, and the Zombie Beat is at the beginning of the episode after a rambling show introduction in which Brother D announces a contest, talks briefly about an upcoming comic book convention, talks about the Facebo