On Your Mind Neuroscience Podcast

OYM64: Macho Estrogen with Ian Mahar



This week on the On Your mind neuroscience podcast:   Kathryn may have abandoned Liam, but she left him in the capable hands of birthday boy and returning guest Ian Mahar (@ianmahar). Ian is in one of the most exciting phases of a PhD, the endzone, where life consists of writing papers, theses, and postdoc proposals.    Back in the lab, Liam has realized that he should use his supervisor for guidance and support (sometimes called supervision)  instead of waiting to come up with solutions to every problem on his own.    While frittering away time in the lab, Liam's been catching up on some of our competition,  aka other great science and neuroscience podcasts. Check out Axons and Axioms if you're into the intersection of neuroscience and philosophy, Brain Matters for engaging interviews with experts in their field, Goggles Optional for an irreverent take on the latest science news, and You Are Not So Smart for the latest in the science of self delusion.    Ian has been getting into the pros and cons of open pe