

Playlist 05.17.06 Baily - Sleep Connie St Pierre - Yellow Violets Bandmates - Ice In the Fire Jillian Wheeler - Dandelion Roth D'Lux - The World Ain't Heavy Blue Number Nine - The Grass Is Always Greener ***CD REVIEW*** Linda Bonadies - Buried Alive Linda Bonadies - Soak Up the Rain Linda Bonadies - Doin' Time Sarah Glynn - Should I Could I JClub + Rock Down Baby - TV Dog Cash Casia - I'm 18 Emily - Oh My Poor Brain Sugarplum Fairies - I'm Just Fine Eden Automatic - Thus This week we review Linda Bonadies CD "No Regret" a singer songwriter much in the style of the great Carole King. I know you will enjoy her inspiring music! Here is MY inspiring thought of the week: Always stop to smell a rose or smile at a baby because you HAVE to enjoy the good in life, to celebrate the beauty in life and highlight it counters the others that are set on smashing the hell out of life itself. I hope you enjoy the show and the CD Review!