

Playlist 06.04.08 Olivia McMillen - My Own Love Song Jean Greer McCarthy - Avoid Dance Nancy Walker - Dreamwalker Jessica Penrose - Words Become Flesh Jenny Morgan - Running with the Brazos Julie Clark - The Naked Song Malea McGuiness - Too Beautiful to Stay Marqseven - U (A Song for Shay) Nadeea - Jealousy Nikita Germaine - 911 L.O.V.E. ***CD PREVIEW - DAVINA ROBINSON - THE BLAZING HEART Davina Robinson - Making Love to Your Girlfriend Davina Robinson - Never Good Enough Davina Robinson - Keep Me Sane Wendy Bailey - Harmless Fuji Minx - You Taught Me Well Kris Miller - Inner Cell Phone Kathy Greenholdt - Don't Walk Away Lo-Fi Sugar - The Night Divine Moth Complex - Swarm Eden Automatic - Russian Blue We welcome new artists Marqseven, Nadeea, Nikita and Davina Robinson to NetteRadio and I know you will love them all! We celebrate June with a CD Preview this week featuring GoGirls artist Davina Robinson! Originally from Philadelphia, Davina is a working musician based in Osaka, Japan whose edgy style o