Grizzlys Growls Podcast-only

Episode 2017-01-21 On the Bias



A critique of "unbiased journalism," and why not everyone is a Journalist. Wanted to talk about a pet peeve, not really an issue as such.  Unbiased Journalism.   You're out there saying, "But wait, unbiased journalism is a very important issue!"  I understand your feeling that way.  But actually it's only an issue because of misuse of terms.  Everyone who has a job in what we still call the Press for some reason, wants to be called a Journalist.  This is understandable.  Journalist sounds like a cool and hip job.  Assuming anyone not my age still says cool and/or hip.  Most jobs in the press, quite frankly, sound kinda geeky, and perhaps even sleezy.  Journalist means one particular vocation, or perhaps an avocation, and not all of them.   Let's go back in history for a bit.  The Press actually started with folks who actually used presses, to print newspapers.  On actual paper.  And at least hypothetically, newspapers conveyed news.  News was gathered by news reporters -- not journalists, reporters.  News is