Mindrolling With Raghu Markus

Ep. 415 – Kindness Now with Amanda Gilbert



Meditation teacher and author, Amanda Gilbert, joins Raghu to talk about living with kindness, mindfulness, freedom, intention, and compassion.Amanda Gilbert is a modern day meditation teacher, writer and speaker. She has been a meditator for over 15 years and teaches from coast to coast in the US, including in Los Angeles, New York City, San Diego, Miami and San Francisco, as well as online. She is a professor of mindfulness at the University of Southern California and the author of Kindness Now: A 28-Day Guide to Living with Authenticity, Intention and Compassion. For more info, please visit AmandaGilbertMeditation.com"Can we allow kindness to be synonymous with being brave, being courageous, being outspoken, being in alignment with the values and change we want to see in the world? Being kind does not mean rolling over into passivity, it doesn't necessarily mean niceness or being a doormat. Being kind is sometimes the hardest thing we are being called to do, especially in the face of our close inner c