Block Party

The Battle of the Blockchains: Ethereum, Solana, Avax, Cardano, Polkadot and more... Who Will Win?



In this episode Chris and Szi discuss what a blockchain is, why it's important, why we should care, and some of the blockchain solutions currently competing for dominance in the world of the decentralized internet. Most people have heard of Ethereum and for good reason - Ethereum commands roughly a 500B marketcap and is considered as the pre-eminent layer-1 blockchain protocol. But for how long? This year alone saw the rise of faster and more efficient blockchains with robust ecosystems of DApps and NFTS. Solana and Avalanche are just two competing layer-1s that have amassed a huge user base and have grown their respective marketcaps by thousands of percentage points in one year. These new protocols rival Ethereum in network throughput, ease of use, and network cost by a large margin. The future of blockchains definitely promises to be an interesting one and is definitely heating up with many layer 1s and layer 2 solutions looking to assert themselves in the crypto-sphere, Ethereum might just have to watch th