Voice Of The Utrecht Young Academy

R2OS-Open Hardware



We talk to Jose Urra Llanusa and Santosh Ilamparuthi, founders of the open hardware community at Delft Technical University, on promises and pitfalls of open hardware, and how to scale up good quality devices. Show notes: + [Guide to preprints](https://zenodo.org/record/5600535) + [Book launch "Open Science, the Very Idea"](https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/onbeschaamd-activistisch-een-nieuw-boek-over-open-science) + [NWO Open Science fund](https://www.nwo.nl/onderzoeksprogrammas/open-science/open-science-fund) + [OSCU symposium, faculty of Science](https://osf.io/rfzy6/)