Living Your Passion

Chris Rosati on Making People Smile



I once beat today's guest in a footrace outside of Tyler's Taproom in Durham, NC. Shortly after said race (which I won, of course), I pulled my hamstring. That guy, and today's Episode #6 guest, is Mr. Chris Rosati. Chris's PASSION is simple: Making people smile. However, as you'll hear once you hit the play button, his passion is deeper than just smiles. Chris wants to help make the world a better place by facilitating acts of kindness.  And boy is he doing both. I dare you to not smile while listening to this - the longest episode in the (short) history of Living Your Passion. Chris oozes passion. And, as you'll hear, at age 43, he's figured out a way to turn his passion into something that will positively impact millions of human beings. In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page. Are you ready to get INSPIRED? During this episode ... Chris shares about what makes him awesome (hint: not what you'd expect). Chris talks about how