Living Your Passion

Loren McDonald on All Things Green



8 episodes in and already I have my 2nd "McDonald" on the podcast. Today's guest, Loren McDonald, is not related to Tim McDonald (guest #3) is the VP of Industry Relations at Silverpop and can often be found preaching the benefits of email marketing as well as social media and location-based marketing. However, while that's his job - and one he's quite good at - Loren's passion is not what he gets paid to do. Loren's passion is about all things green. More specifically, Loren is passionate about being a change agent and getting people other than tree huggers to "see the light." Loren believes strongly in the need to move away from fossils fuels, supports electric vehicles, and is an advocate for solar power. In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page. Are you ready to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN? During this episode ... Loren shared his passion for alternative energy, solar energy, wind energy, electric vehicles, reducing our use of w