Living Your Passion

Paul Sokol on Keeping Youth Music Programs in Schools



Today's guest - #29 - Paul Sokol, is one of those good guys. He's a self-proclaimed "Campaign Builder Mad Scientist at Infusionsoft. He enjoys a good beer ... and music. And when I say Paul enjoys music, that's a HUGE understatement. Paul's passion: Keeping youth music programs in schools (or keeping music in our cultural fabric). In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page. Are you ready to learn more about Paul's master plan to keep music in our cultural fabric? During this episode ... Paul talked about how music has been in his life most of his life. Paul shared how public school budgets are being cut - specifically the arts ... and music. This sucks - so says Paul (and I agree!). I told the story of my cello-playing days. Paul talked about how his parents were instrumental (no pun intended) in his love for music. Paul tossed out a ton of bands/artists I'd never heard of. Ha! We bonded over our love for Tupac, Eminem, and more!