Living Your Passion

Matt White on Facial Hair and Mens Grooming



I was introduced to today's guest (#41), Matt White, through a video. But this was not just any video. It was a video about Matt ... and his facial hair. The more I chatted with Matt, the more I full understood - and appreciated - his ... obsession ... with facial hair. Matt's passion (of course!): facial hair and mens grooming. In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page. Are you ready to learn more about Matt's passion for facial hair and mens grooming? During this episode ... I shared how I was introduced to Matt ... and his facial hair. Matt described - in great detail - what his beard looked like on the day of the recording. Matt shared how he was the only human ever born with a full beard (kidding, of course!). Matt talked about how he has really always been fascinated with facial hair - how he could "hardly wait" to have a beard like his brother, twelve years his senior. And how he would sometimes dream about having a beard,